How Reflexology Lymphatic Drainage can help.

I wanted to share a wonderful case study with you about how RLD helped one lady who suffered with swelling in her ankle. No doctor could do anything and it really just became part of her every day. This made her feel low and in her words ‘older than i am’. However, after 2 treatments, she began to see a significant difference and after 4 treatments, was overly happy with the results and hasn’t needed another appointment since.

Client Information

Name: MD

Presenting Conditions: Swelling in her left ankle

Summary of Client:

69 Years old mother and grandmother who plays an active part in their lives.

About 10 years ago on holiday in Spain, she noticed her left ankle had swollen (photo A). She put it down to the flight and found on this holiday that the swelling got worse in flat shoes and better in heeled wedges. However, the swelling stayed and can fluctuate from Photo A to photo B which was at the start of her treatments.

MD finds the swelling has a ‘square’ like shape to it and although is always there, can flare up badly from time to time. No one obvious reason for it flaring up but walking and heat does not help.

Both her ankles can ache (arthritis has been ruled out) so walking can be painful but she didn’t think this was related to the swelling - until the swelling and pain reduced at the same time! This could mean that it was related, or an other possibility is that through the lymphatic work the inflammation (not swelling) that was causing the pain also reduced.

Treatment Plan

Aims & objectives:
The aim is to reduce the swelling in her ankle through 4 weekly treatments of RLD.

Treatment outcome:

After appointment 1:
- She initially was very excited as that evening could see that the ‘squareness’ had gone but this sadly only lasted 24 hours for her. Her ankles did ache less though.

After appointment 2: (image C)
- A marked improvement, MD feels almost back to her ‘normal’ ankle with loose skin where the swelling had been
- She was absolutely blown away and feels so excited
- Been showing everyone and just feels great in herself
- The pain in the ankles has also nearly disappeared entirely

After appointment 3:
- The swelling and pain had still stayed at bay

After appointment 4:

- The swelling and pain had still stayed at bay and the client decided that she will come back to me when the swelling returns - if it does.  


(A) Swelling at one of it’s worse points

(B) Start of treatment


Jessie Morrison