The Immune System and How It Works.

A simple overview of how the lymphatic system works, specifically the immune response. Reflexology can help the circulation of blood and the lymphatic system which can aid it to work at it's optimum. This in turns, gives you a better chance of fighting off any unwanted illnesses.

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Immunity Boosting essential oils

At a time like this (mid-Covid-19), we are all thinking about keeping our immunity boosted and healthy. Well, I love an essential oil so amongst all the other things I am doing, I am also using essential oils. Here is a little bit on what I’ve been doing.

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Hypothalamus & how I work it in reflexology

The hypothalamus is a very small gland at the base of your brain above the pituitary gland and produces seven hormones. It plays one of the most important, if not the most important role in your endocrine system because when it goes down, especially for a prolonged period of time, it’s likely there will be a dominos effect.

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The pituitary gland, also known as the master gland controls several other hormone glands in the body including your thyroid, adrenals and ovaries/testicles. Secreting a total of 8 hormones, it plays a vital role in our bodies.

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Jessie Morrison
The Adrenal Glands

I feel the adrenal glands on many of my clients. My theory behind this is that our bodies are not able to effectively rid of the excess cortisol and stress hormones in our body because the stress response button doesn’t always turn off. The reason for this is because life is just so stressful. There are a few things that we can do to help our bodies in dealing with this excess hormone.

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Reflexology – supporting you through the peri-menopause and menopause.

With the BBC’s push on menopause this week, I wanted to post an article written a while back by Sally Earlham, Association of Reflexology, on how Reflexology can support ladies going through peri-menopause and the menopause.

This will affect either you and those around you, mothers, sisters, aunts etc… (wife’s for the men out there). It is so important to understand what peri-menopause and the menopause are and how it effects us. Through this we can support everyone along the way so no one feels alone.

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